Doubling Your Business

I am so excited to tell you guys about what I am doing with my business. I have been beta testing for the last little bit, a program called Life on Fire. It’s a 12-week program and the idea is that you will be able to double your business if you follow the tenants within this program. Over the next couple of weeks, I’m going to be talking to you about little snippets of what you can get out of the Life on Fire program. Today what I wanted to do is introduce you to the program itself and  invite you cordially to click on the link to do a deep dive into the five secrets that will lead you to unlimited happiness and riches however you define that.

I mean that with all my heart and soul; if you want to have an amazing life, an amazing business, be a part of your community, not have stress, sleep better, take care of yourself, The Life on Fire program is exactly for you. There are three main ways that I teach in this program where you can double your business. Today I’m just going to focus on one of them: live videos. Live videos are going to be the future of all marketing because it transcends social media platforms. I do not like to be beholden to Facebook’s algorithm, Instagram’s algorithm, anybody’s algorithm. YouTube has live streaming, Instagram has live streaming, Facebook has live streaming. Twitter has live streaming, there are other systems you can then use to livestream all over the place.

What I like about live videos and livestreaming is the complete and utter control you have over it. A long time ago in a land far away, actually six years ago, I’d had a coaching practice but it was reliant on a local real estate board whereby the realtors needed to have a certain number of credits to get their licenses renewed. They changed the rules and my business went caput overnight. I went from teaching six, seven times a week to zero, like literally dead zero. And it’s because I didn’t control myself.

I promised myself not only will I never do that again, when I had the opportunity, I would teach people how to do that as well. And so that’s what I’m trying to do with you, I want to explain how you can create marketing systems that can double your business in the next 12 months if done consistently without being beholden to algorithms. All you need to figure out is where are your people. I’m going to give you three little steps on how to create the best live videos ever. And if you follow these three steps now in this training I do, and enjoy it and find it successful, I welcome you to discover and investigate The Life on Fire program.


Step One – Client Impact

Step one is to really understand the impact you are trying to create for your clients. And by that, I mean not just really high-level stuff. What changes do you want them to have in their lives?

My goal is to help people to unlock their locked-up potential because we have so much power within us and yet so many people hold themselves back for a whole bunch of different reasons. One of the guys who went through the program unlocked $9 million out of his pipeline that he had been trying for months to unlock. Now he takes commission from that. That’s the kind of results that can happen. He grew by $9 million because he went back to the beginning to say, “what impact am I trying to have on my clients?” And that’s the first step.


Step Two – Specify Your Audience

The second step is to do a deep dive into exactly who needs you the most. In the book This Is Marketing, New York Times bestselling author Seth Godin talks about the smallest viable audience. So many of us try to be everything to everyone, especially in our business. Yet, in the end we are no one to anyone. If ever you find yourself saying, either anyone or everyone, you’ve gone about your client definition wrong and you need to fix it.

One of the primary ways people define their clients is just by demographics. Age, location, marital status, language, culture, or any of that. I am asking you to be as specific as you can. The more specific you are, the more pulling your messages are going to be.

Another way to define your clients is through a method I call hopes, dreams and nightmares. You need to understand what truly motivates people. When I say to people that you can have an unlimited life, unlimited happiness, unlimited riches, the first thing people do is call me crazy. But I’m not, I’m simply no longer allowing myself to have excuses. What I am trying to do is embed this sentiment into everyone. The people I’m going after, their hopes are for things like becoming an author of a book or becoming a keynote speaker. To be number one, you need to stop making excuses for yourself.

Maybe you want to be a go-to person in your community and effect change. And maybe you have fear, a lack of confidence, or something happened that you are struggling to let go of like a ball and chain. Those are the hopes, dreams and nightmares of the people that I’m targeting. And so, every single thing that I do is predicated on finding that smallest viable audience who need me the most. You do not need to be famous to everyone. You need to be famous to the people who need you the most.


Step Three – Do It Yourself!

The third piece of this puzzle is that you have to shoot the videos yourself.

First of all, when you begin your livestream, you should make your offer in the first 10 seconds. You have a very limited window to get people’s attention and then they’re going to toddle off.

My simple offer is go to and check it out. That’s my offer. I made it in the first 10 seconds of my livestream and this blog. You want to send them to a landing page. The ultimate way to sell is to educate. It takes a little bit of work upfront to create a training video, so mention that you are incapable of covering all the education in a livestream. But, if they go to your website, or your product page, you can show them more.

Say for example, I want to educate you on the five secrets to unlimited happiness and riches, however you define riches and however you define happiness. But there are five secrets and it applies to absolutely everyone. At the end of the training video, I talk about the program and the bonuses. The pitch at the end is for the people who want my service and education. If you don’t want it, you don’t have to listen. That’s perfectly okay. The people who don’t listen to the end or use my service are not my audience or they are not ready at that time for my program. You have to be okay with not getting every single person to use your service. These training videos are intended for potential buyers to enjoy once they’ve been sent to your landing page. If they like what they see and hear, they can set up a call, and that becomes your sales pipeline. That is how you turn videos into sales.

That’s why this works on any platform; Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, etc. You can do it. Just make sure you keep each video to one topic. I’m not talking about Facebook ads and Instagram content – those are separate videos. You keep your video to one topic, one thing, because people get very, very confused and they lose track of what you’re talking about.  Research says the ultimate length of a live video should be about seven minutes long. This allows people to catch up to and join the broadcast. Not everybody joins in the first 30 seconds.

There are some wonderful resources such as (which gives you all the questions people are asking on Google that include the keywords you’re looking for) and (this one you need to pay for, but it will show you the most socially shared articles that are spread virally and on different social platforms) to help give you ideas for your videos. You can look at your audience’s hopes, fears and dreams and you can make a video on each one. Or you can create big categories like video marketing and split it into subcategories.

Please join me as I celebrate the official launch of The Life on Fire program, I’d love to get your feedback. There are pricing and financing options available on the site as well. Feel free to message me on my Facebook page and tell me what you think of the program! I love connecting with my audience. Every person who went through my program, if they did the work they were supposed to do, has seen immeasurable changes.

Some of the changes, however, have been measurable. That one client of mine unlocked $9 million in sales that had been just there but not closing. That $9 million closed in the last two weeks of the program. Another client had led a sad life and felt really lost. It broke my heart on one of the live Q&A sessions when they described what they had went through. But guess what? They don’t feel sad anymore. That’s a rich life. That’s unlimited happiness. And that my friends, is all I want to bring into the world.

More than anything in the world, I want my one goal in life, my big why, to be to make more people happy and rich beyond anything that they have dreamt of before. I want to show them that they have the power within – all they need to do is tap into that to make it a reality. If you like what you’ve read today, I would love it if you could share this blog, spread the word, and check it out. Let me know what you think. I hope you have an absolutely fantastic day and I wish you all the best.