Finding Gratitude

Today, I am enjoying the last few moments of sunshine on my last day in Roatán. As I am winding down my vacation, I am also finishing up a book about gratitude that struck a chord in me. I like to think that I’m a pretty thankful person, but I was presented with some really challenging questions. “What are you truly grateful for today?” was one that made me feel embarrassed, because in the moment I couldn’t really come up with a specific thing. I felt like a terrible person. I began to doubt myself – am I really not as appreciative as I thought?  I began to delve deeper. I started off with big things to be grateful for, like being able to go on vacation in such a beautiful location, with such beautiful amenities. But then I realized there are so many tiny little things that I am also extremely grateful for. I’m grateful for a good night’s sleep. I am grateful for the smile of a stranger. I’m grateful for someone’s random kindness to me, a smile as they walk past me in the street.

That one question challenged me and made me go on a whirlwind rollercoaster from not thinking I show enough gratefulness, to realizing I have so much to be grateful for. It was a wonderful and enriching exercise. I am extremely grateful to be where I am today. I never thought I would get here. Five years ago, I was $100,000 in debt with not a lot of hope in my life, but I’ve worked hard to turn it around. I’m reaping just the beginnings of what I believe are the true benefits of my efforts. Yet every single day, I want to challenge myself to grow. Today I’d like to challenge you. What are some of the small things that you’re thankful for? What are some of the small things, small gratitudes that we can have every day?

Some people keep a gratitude journal. I’ve never been really good at it, only because I kind of suck at consistency. Consistency is my word for 2019. But my word for today is gratitude. I’d love for you to share with me the little things that you’re grateful for and what they mean to you.

I hope you are having a fantastic day wherever you are, and I wish you nothing but the greatest of happiness.