Living Life with Intention

Today, I had a meeting with a woman who was seeking my help. Yet, somehow throughout our session, it flipped. She started helping me with things that I had been struggling with. At the end of the two and a half hours, both of us walked away feeling that we had gotten something extremely valuable from this interchange. I went there to help her because I have a unique ability that she had identified with me. She has a unique ability that she is able to help me with on stuff that I am not very good at.

In my meeting today with her, I told her I have ADD. She responded, “you know what? You don’t. As of today, it’s gone, it’s behind you”. When someone says something like that, it initially makes you want to raise an eyebrow. But it makes sense if every single day, I was using my ADD as a crutch or an excuse. I’ve got ADD, so I can’t meditate. I’ve got ADD, so I can’t concentrate. If I remove that, and I no longer use those words, then I am no longer making up excuses. Which leaves room for me to take actions with intention. That is how change is ultimately coming about.

So often we go into meetings, or we visit our clients, or we go on with our daily lives and miss the opportunity to tap into someone else’s unique ability. Someone’s unique talent. Some way of thinking or doing things that we don’t know how to do. By simply waiting and allowing yourself the time to listen and question and learn, you can walk away learning something new and different. What I learned today is going to change my life.

I’m going to make a commitment to myself that every interaction that I have with anyone, I want to always be open to whatever it is that person has to give. It could be a small thing. It could be just a word. It could be an action. It could be just a presence, and a feeling that you get by hanging around people who have a certain energy.

I don’t know what you guys are going about doing in your day today. I want to challenge you to interact with intention with whomever you interact with – even if it’s with a Starbucks barista. Even if it’s the smallest thing. Even if it’s just a form of gratitude, or for you to be thankful for some small thing that person did. Because I feel that my heart, my soul, and my mind have been fed in these past two and a half hours. The rest of my day is going to be absolutely fantastic.